Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I miss you woman

Lately I have been reading alot of blogs about gender roles and what it means to be a woman or a man.

I just wanted to say I love women. The thing I love about women the most is that they are totally different from me. I like the feminine energy. It is what turns me on.

To be equal as people does not mean we have to be the same. Americans have fought for hundreds of years for all humans to be equal under the law and within society. Does this mean that all people in this nation must assimilate to the Western European dominate culture? Must we all eat the same foods, listen to the same music, dress exactly the same?

No we can keep our ideals and morals and art just as we enjoy the same rights and opportunities as all Americans. This is what makes equality so special and makes our nation so unique in this world. There is true beauty in our differences and that is to be celebrated.

The same goes for the war of sexism. Women as a gender have been oppressed through out the majority of history. The subtle disrespect of being treated as a second class citizen, less then human, a sexual object, nothing more then a man's slave is just the tip of the iceberg when compared to the murder, rape, and abuse of women.

On our quest to be civilized the most important step is the 100% of equality and fair treatment of women. This has not been an easy cause with the Woman having to fight for their right to vote up to the feminist movement in the 60's. I fully support these movements and enjoy living in an era where a a little girl can look forward to doing what ever she wants with her life.

The largest problem I know see with gender in this country is the lack of difference between both sexes. I see this as a problem because it has lead us to a point where many of us no longer see any point or advantage of a two parent home. This similarity in the sexes has lead to the destruction of the very core idea of civilization, that is the union of two people. (I say people because I am not trying to get into a gay marriage debate, if you want my opinion on that I see nothing wrong with it, its just this blog is focused on men and women)

Basically in the fight for true equality many women have lost the actually concept of being a woman. The fight should not be to become like men, it should be to have the same rights as men. Once you become like men then what is left but a genderless society. Or even worse what do women even need men for? If we are exactly the same the only thing that separates us is that a woman can have a child.

So besides procreation why do men and women even begin relationships?

It may seem like an extreme question but please let me pose this theory:

We all know of the large rise of bisexuality in this country, especially in the black community. (Once again I am not here to judge anyones sexuality, to me what ever floats your boat lol) I would argue that there is a connection between that rise and the lack of gender specific roles. For example I have dated alot of bi women, majority of these women would never dream of being in a serious relationship with another woman. Yet they love the fact of dominating another woman they way a man does. This is proof of the quest to not be equal to men but to be just like men.

I will take it a step further and I am about to get real controversial with this. I would also argue that the large amount of "DL" men have experimented with other men because the feminine energy they were receiving. In other words, women have become so masculine that these "straight" men have found the opposite energy of themselves within their own sex.

Are these men and women confused? Are they happy with their choices? I do not have the answers. I am just stating the results of our current situation.

To sum it all up; I want us all to have the ability to choose any career path we like. I just think that a woman should bring her perspective to that career and not try and mimic a man. Women should embrace the power of their capability to expressing their emotions. They should not be ashamed of their walk, and the way they stand. The strongest women to be know they are beautiful and sensual, and still demand respect from all they deal with.

I just do not see how a woman that lives and acts like a man should be attractive to me. I am going to be a man regardless. There are some fundamental differences between us, that is why men have a XY chromosome and women have XX. So lets celebrate those differences and enjoy each other. In fact lets learn from each other.

Let me know what your thoughts are, I look forward to reading where men and women stand on this issue.